
So I’ve departed  RabbitMatch for my forever home too.   That was a hectic day!!  It was my neuter surgery and relocation all in a few hours.  My little head was spinning.  My new mom is ever so nurturing.  I love my new home.

I’m now called Gouda!!  Do NOT ask  me to pass the crackers!!  I’ll have you know, Gouda was the most wise and powerful of the striped rabbit philosopher kings of Southeast Asia.  Saved his warren from humans many times.  Had his rabbit subjects escape humans by following the trail of Gouda’s marbles.  Mom didn’t know this when she named me.

Oh well, I make up for it by being extra cuddly and kissy.  Anyway, my very presence is therapeutic.  Serial binkies to you!!  And don’t forget, Eastwood looks a lot like me and he’s still at RabbitMatch.  Love, Gouda.