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Hello, hello!!!  Name's Mouffetard but my friends call me Mouffie!!!!  Standard operating procedure is to tell my story???  Well it was Valentine's Day a few days ago, you know???  I was delivered to the house along with about 100 roses.  Don't know the whereabouts of those roses but I'm warming a denbox in a condo at RabbitMatch four days later!!   I'm a chinchilla-x boy and no, that does not mean that I'm hybridized with a rodent!!!!!  Heavens to snowshoes!!!!   Don't you know there are cinnamon rabbits, sable rabbits and palomino rabbits.  Name just refers to the coat color texture and pattern!!!  So anyway, I'm not pleased with my photo session.  Where did the mom get that ghastly red throw???  I'm not showing off my black/gray/silver colors!!!  We'll need a re-do.  If I had an agent, I'd fire her on the spot!!!!  

Sooooo, you'll just have to accept the likeness and you must admit, I'm one handsome bun.  I weigh 4.25 lbs and was born Sept. 1, 2009.  I have a bit more growing to do.  My coat is the typical chinchilla color and texture.  I'm having fun eyeballing the other rabbits here.  I'm enjoying all the smells and wow!!  the mountains of hay and greens!!!  I never imagined I'd have a 35 ft run all to myself and all those cute cardboard houses to visit and shred!!!  However, I know all this pales by comparison to living with you!!!   I'd love full time human companionship……..Wistfully yours, Mouffetard. 

Posted via email from rabbitmatch’s posterous


A sunny Italian greeting to you!!!  It's me, Bellini, checking in to RabbitMatch.  I was found dazed and confused on a city sidewalk.  My rescuers instantly fell in love with me but the doggie of the house had other ideas (sigh) so I had to move in with the RabbitMatch buns.   I'm a true dwarf!!!!  I weigh 2lbs 3 oz.  I'm going to grow a bit more  though.  My birthdate is 9/1/09.  I'm a riot of cinnamonbun colors and am longing for human company.  I'd love to be your cuddlefriend.  With me around, you'll be amazed to find yourself spending more time at home !!!!  Bunnybutterflykisses, Bellini. 

Posted via email from rabbitmatch’s posterous

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February 2010

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